I don't have any idea to share in this entry..just want to share my childhood picture..my mom said that picture is when i was 5 years old (maybe)..kite baru je jumpa gambar tersebut masa kemas bilik hari tu..

Korang pon mesti gelakkan bila tengok gambar tu kan??..Bila tengok balik gambar tu mesti rasa nak gelak..sebab masam giler muka!..hoho..nie mesti kes takut kena tinggal masa nak tangkap gambar tu..Yela kan..budak-budak kan takut kalau kena tinggal sorang-sorang..huhu..
Now, compare that pic with my current pic....

Aiyooo..totally different isn't?? Kecik-kecik walaupon muke masam tapi boleh kate cute gak...tapi bila da besar nie, tak cute langsung..huhu..nie rase nak back to childhood memory!
Ok la..i don't have any idea to write, just want to say, Life is full of changes and surprise...And the inexplicable...