Today (26.05.2010) is a big day for one of my friend, Mastasyah because it was her graduation day.. Tapi tadi kite da terlambat sampai..So tak dapat la nak tengok mase die ambil scroll tu..Sorry la Mas..
Bile tengok orang konvo tadi, rase sedih pulak..huhu..mana taknye, nak tunggu konvo sendiri lambat lagi...*sigh*~..tapi..bile tengok muka semua yang konvo tadi happy je..So, kite pon happy la gak..
she look very happy...congratulation dear..=)
kami datang untuk meramaikan lg org kat UiTM tu..hehehe
three of us...
nie la hadiah yg kite bg Mas...comel x??.=)For Mastasyah : Congratulation and well done..Hope the success you deserve will continue to come your way..=)for more photo : click here
congratez mas..
wow comey sangat present tuh.
nak jugak~ :D
hehe..rpenye rmai gk yg b'mnt dgn sotong tu..xpe2 tnggu sarah kite xde la bg sotong tu..hehe..
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